International Police &
Fire Conferences

International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives

The Annual International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives was held in Phoenix, Arizona on April 27 to 29, 2014 with the theme being Expect the Unexpected…It’s Not a Matter of If. The conference was hosted by Chief Garcia of the Phoenix Police Department, Chief Milstead of the Mesa Police Department and Chief Villaseñor of the Tucson Police Department.

As Police & Law Enforcement Executives are increasingly being scrutinized for their department’s results, actions and effectiveness, there is no longer the luxury of having unlimited budgets, resources or unwavering public confidence. Expect the Unexpected was about defining how police services are measured by stakeholders, internally and externally. In unpredictable and uncertain times, police services must be a constant source in providing public confidence while continually improving the level of performance. Expect the Unexpected has had significant impact on executive careers and departments that fail to prepare suffer the unenviable consequence.

Police executives gathered for an international panel to share their experiences with living “the unexpected.” The discussion was dynamic, candid and open.

International Conference for Fire & Rescue Executives

The annual International Conference for Fire & Rescue Executives was held in Seattle, Washington on October 29th to 31st, 2014. 

The conference provided interaction amongst registrants to share personal circumstances regarding the complex, day to day matters that all fire and rescue executives face.

International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives

The annual International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives was held in Atlanta, Georgia on June 9th to 11th, 2013.

The conference was hosted by Chief Terry L. Sult and the Sandy Springs Police Department, with theme of The New Reality: Can We Deliver? The international panel delivered dynamic, innovative and effective discussions regarding defining and achieving measurable results.

International Conference for Fire & Rescue Executives

The second annual International Conference for Fire & Rescue Executives was held in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 28th to 30th, 2012.

The conference was hosted by Chief Charles Parent and the New Orleans Fire Department and highlighted such topics as increasing organization capacity, planning your career, surviving allegations and executive financial management, with each day ending with Talking with the Experts, a session that provide delegates with a forum to interact with that day’s presenters, sharing personal experiences on complex matters.  

International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives

The first annual International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives was held in Seattle, Washington on April 1st to 3rd, 2012.

Hosted by the Seattle Police Department, the conference was focused on how to successfully manage a career in the police and law enforcement field by bringing international speakers to reflect on their roles and responsibilities as law enforcement leaders.  

International Conference for Police & Law Enforcement Executives

Strategic Policing: The Future in the Present.
Hosted by: York Regional Police

May 2 – 4  |  Shearton Parkway Hotel  |  Richmond Hill, ON.