Emotional Intelligence: A Predictor of Success

Emotional Intelligence: A Predictor Of Success

What is Emotional Intelligence? Why are some organizations more effective than others? Why do some individuals easily gain buy-in through sheer influence while others seem to flounder, incapable of leading others? Why do some individuals seem to handle stress and pressure so easily while others are overwhelmed? Why do some individuals succeed in the face of set-back while others are overcome?

Most of us have worked with, or know of, certain individuals that personify leadership – the ability to gain the support, confidence and commitment of others to a shared goal or outcome. While top performers demonstrate interpersonal and social influence to achieve goals and outcomes, they also share a set of highly-developed competencies called Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is more than a set of ‘people skills’. It is a critical core-competency set that allows top performers to accurately read and identify their own emotions and the emotions of others. It differentiates effective communicators from those who think they have communicated, often with unsatisfying results. Emotional Intelligence helps create mutually constructive relationships that are critical for organizational success.

In this program, you will learn what comprises Emotional Intelligence, and what it takes to work effectively and influence others. You will learn why Emotional Intelligence is critical for success, and how it differentiates the technically-sound performer from the top performer. You will gain an understanding of your Emotional Intelligence competency-set, how to go about developing your EI, and how to intentionally make your emotions work for you, and for your success.

Program Content

Nature of Emotional Intelligence (EI)

  • Defining EI
  • Reviewing the research and development of EI
  • Identifying the business case
  • Examining the evidence
  • Understanding how IQ and EQ differ

Emotional Intelligence Competencies

  • Learning the EI framework
  • Understanding the competency cycle
  • Knowing the requisite skills
  • Building the skills
  • Understanding stress and EI

Emotional Intelligence and Leading Others

  • Understanding EI and leadership
  • Building an environment for success
  • Linking EI and shared vision
  • Understanding team effectiveness and EI
  • Developing buy-in, commitment and employee engagement

General Information

Why should you attend?

  • Small interactive hands-on programs
  • Role-playing and simulation of real workplace situations
  • Group activities, open discussions and case studies
  • Experienced program presenters who are leaders in their field
  • Practical content and information that you can use in your everyday work environment
  • You will not be pressured to purchase books or videos as all program materials are provided at no additional cost
  • Program satisfaction guaranteed!

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers and supervisors
  • Human resources and Labor relations specialists
  • Directors and board members
  • Administrators
  • Members of the negotiations team
  • Future managers, supervisors and those in leadership positions

General Program Information

  • Program materials will be provided
  • Certificates will be presented upon completion of the program
  • Program is in session from 9am to 4 pm
Mohamed Doma

Connecting with clients and businesses worldwide for 25+ years.