Understanding Labor Law for Unionized Employers

Understanding Labor Law For Unionized Employers

Unions know the law and how to use the system to their advantage. It’s usually the employer who is left confused and intimidated by unfair labor practice complaints, union certification drive, or receipt of strike notice. With this program, you will have the knowledge necessary to be able to deal with the above issues with confidence.

We will provide you with what you need to know to be able to ask the right questions so that you may arm yourself against union intimidation and bullying. Employers do have rights, even though it might not seem that way. Can you really afford to be left in the dark any longer?

Program Content

Certification/Decertification Processes

  • How do unions get certified in the first place
  • Dealing with Certification and Decertification Hearings – Do you need to attend?
  • What do your employees need to know in-order to decertify a union and what you must do to avoid an unfair labor practice
  • Understanding the voluntary certification process
  • How to deal with union aggression and intimidation


  • When should you serve the Union with lockout notice – the process demystified
  • How does the Union obtain a strike mandate-what’s required by law
  • When can a union go on strike
  • How much notice do they need to give – are there any exceptions
  • What should employers do and not do during a strike or lockout

Unfair Labor Practice/Bargaining in Bad Faith Complaints

  • Can Employer’s file complaints against Unions – know the process
  • How to prepare for your hearing
  • What are unfair labor practices and how to defend against them
  • When to file complaints against a union


  • How to use mediation to your advantage
  • When to go to mediation vs. arbitration
  • Forcing mediation as a first step to dispute resolution
  • Understanding the power of binding mediation
  • Using expedited arbitration, the pros and cons

General Information

Why should you attend?

  • Small interactive hands-on programs
  • Role-playing and simulation of real workplace situations
  • Group activities, open discussions and case studies
  • Experienced program presenters who are leaders in their field
  • Practical content and information that you can use in your everyday work environment
  • You will not be pressured to purchase books or videos as all program materials are provided at no additional cost
  • Program satisfaction guaranteed!

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers and supervisors
  • Human resources and Labor relations specialists
  • Directors and board members
  • Administrators
  • Members of the negotiations team
  • Future managers, supervisors and those in leadership positions

General Program Information

  • Program materials will be provided
  • Certificates will be presented upon completion of the program
  • Program is in session from 9am to 4 pm
Mohamed Doma

Connecting with clients and businesses worldwide for 25+ years.