Dealing With Stressful Workplace Situations
According to the World Health Organization, stress is now the No. 1 reason why employees are absent from work! When employees spend 8 or more hours a day in close contact, tension and stress inevitably arise. With increased workload, announcements of layoffs and other negative messages, disappointment and conflict can emerge, draining productivity and undermining morale. Coupled with traumatic events such as illness or the death of a co-worker, it quickly becomes obvious that stress must be managed.
This program will show you how to manage these stressful situations effectively, and what to say to navigate smoothly through these difficult discussions. Learning how to manage emotions, as well as what to say to employees who are experiencing stress, is critical to your success as a manager of people. If you believe that your employees are your most important asset, can you afford not to attend?
Program Content
- Stress – what it is and where does it comes from
- Understanding and managing your emotions during a stressful time
- Increasing your resistance to stress – yes, you can!
- What to say to frustrated employees
- Communicating the tough message – letting someone go while minimizing damage
- Responding to someone who has been traumatized
- Helping your employees recover from a stressful situation
- What is the definition of stress?
- T/F: Nearly 2/3 of employees say they are experiencing “a great deal of stress”.
- T/F: About 40 % of Canadians say that their employer does not do nearly enough to help them manage stress on the job.
- What percent of job turnover is due to excessive stress?
- T/F: Employees who are stressed from conflict recover from an injury just as quickly as employees who are not stressed.
- Managing negative emotions or making plans, which is the better way to handle stress?
- Somebody who has been traumatized is fundamentally
- (a) anxious (b) weak (c) needing a bit of time to get over it
- What are the 3 elements to bulletproof difficult messages?
- T/F: It is appropriate to give employees your opinions about their unacceptable behaviour.
- T/F: You should always acknowledge what your employees say about how they feel in a situation, even if you would react in a completely different fashion.
General Information
Why should you attend?
- Small interactive hands-on programs
- Role-playing and simulation of real workplace situations
- Group activities, open discussions and case studies
- Experienced program presenters who are leaders in their field
- Practical content and information that you can use in your everyday work environment
- You will not be pressured to purchase books or videos as all program materials are provided at no additional cost
- Program satisfaction guaranteed!
Who Should Attend?
- Managers and supervisors
- Human resources and Labor relations specialists
- Directors and board members
- Administrators
- Members of the negotiations team
- Future managers, supervisors and those in leadership positions
General Program Information
- Program materials will be provided
- Certificates will be presented upon completion of the program